Bridal Skincare Tips


All brides desire beautiful, clear skin on their wedding day. Most brides are counting on their makeup artist creating this for them, but a makeup artist is just that an artist with makeup, we are not miracle workers….so sorry….

All of us who have ever painted a room know it takes preparation. You have to wash the walls, fix any holes, dings or nicks, tape it off and apply a primer then paint. It’s never a fast easy task.

The same holds true with your face. You must plan ahead, you must prep the skin for your wedding day if beautiful, clear, glowing skin is the goal.

Unfortunately few brides take their skin into consideration, which is totally understandable since there are so many details a bride is faced with for her big day. This is where a Licensed Skin Care Specialist comes in. She can help the bride work out a skin care regimen that is customized to meet her skincare needs.

If a bride is acne prone sometimes a breakout will occur right before or on the wedding day due to stress. If it’s just a few breakouts a makeup artist can hide those quite easy, but if it’s more then that she needs to get the skin cleared quickly and effectively and to do that the bride needs to start at least 3 months ahead of time. If scarring is involved that can take much longer. The sooner the better is my motto.

It is possible to have clear, beautiful skin for your big day.

Honestly we can’t stress it enough – Good Skin is vital for Beautiful Makeup!

Here are 9 steps to get you bridal ready for the best day of your life

Step 1.

Cleanse the face 2 times a day morning and night. Cleansing the skin at night is vital if the bride desires beautiful skin for her wedding day. Don’t miss a day…especially if you are acne prone.

Please don’t use soap…I’ve seen plenty of brides who have and you can tell. Their skin is literally being striped and is dehydrated, peeling, dry and overall in bad shape. Remember your skin is the canvas where the makeup artist creates her beautiful portrait.

Step 2.

Use a toner for your skin type as well as with all other skincare products. Most skin is dehydrated even oily acne prone skin needs hydration. Skin Scripts  Cucumber Hydration Toner helps lock in moisture and can be used on all skin types to bring hydration into the skin.

Step 3.

Use Treatment serums geared toward your skin type and skin care issues. Professional products from your skin care specialist with active ingredients are the best for any bride. Also, applying the serums to damp skin will help them penetrate deeper into the skin and help bring about the needed change.

Step 4.

Moisturizing your skin with the proper moisturizer will help lock in and seal your treatment serums and hydration  which is necessary for our skin to even exfoliate properly. There are light-weight to heavy moisturizers. Your skin care professional can help you find the right one for your skin type.

Step 5.

You should start going in for facial treatments at least 3 months before the wedding. If the bride has acne scarring even earlier is recommended. It can take up to 3 months for acne to be cleared.

Step 6.

Think about your smile and those nice pearly whites. If you need to brighten up your smile, start with a teeth whitener either from a professional or from a pharmacy that you can do at home.

Step 7.

Don’t forget about your eyebrows. Eyebrows play a major role having them professionally shaped and tweezed will help complete your look. Eyebrows are like a beautiful picture frame that will add such beauty to your eyes.

Step 8.

Start taking EFA’s as soon as possible. Every cell in our body needs EFAs and without them no nutrients can penetrate your skin and no toxins can be released.

Step 9.

If you’re thinking of getting a spray tan please do a practice session first. I can’t tell you how many brides have come in on their wedding day with the dreaded orange skin. You want to find one which is the most natural color for your skin tone

We are happy to be servicing the Brainerd Lakes Region and surrounding areas with our On Location Bridal Services. We specialize in Airbrush Makeup and Bridal Updoes….

Click here to read Captivating Beauty’s – Beauty Timeline for Beautiful Brides.

Click here to read Captivating Beauty – Start Early to Have Radiant Skin on Your Wedding Day

Click here to read on How to Prep for Wedding Day Hair & Makeup

Make your day BEAUTIFUL
