Spring – Time to Switch out your Skin Care Products!

 spring in the air

What is your current skin care routine? Is it working? Is you skin improving? How’s the acne?

If you’re not seeing improvement with your current skin care routine now is the perfect time to switch it up.

Let’s go through each step to see if and what you need to change.



Since it’s spring and humid weather is on the horizon for most of us, now would be the time to switch out the creamy cleanser for a gel cleanser.



Toners can be like a drink of fresh water to the skin, or soothing, refreshing or brightening and bring your skin into the proper balance.



Serums refine, tone, correct, protect, strengthen, nourish, and feed the skin. Serums are packed with concentrated power. Don’t be without serums!

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Moisturize. soften wrinkles, protect and nourish



Vital for younger looking skin, keeps hyperpigmentation at bay, it can also be healing and soothing to the skin.

If your skin care products haven’t been working for you it may be time to give them away. We have a program where we give our skincare or makeup products to our local family shelter. If you’re interested in finding out more please contact me and I’ll send you the info.

Make your day Beautiful!



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